Whisky Review – Compass Box This is not a Luxury Whisky

It’s this time of the year (Holidays, remember?) and here is another new whisky release we review and this time it’s a new release from John Glaser and Compass box. John Glaser is an artist, admit it. he creates unique blends, and Compass box do some special whisky labels (Hedonism Quindecimus as an evidence for both). This time he go farther and uses an external work of art as inspiration for this new whisky, Ladies and Gentlemen, meet the work of René Magritte – Le Trahison des images ( The Treachery of Images ) . This work from 1929 is far more familiar...

Läs mer http://whiskygospel.com/2015/10/19/whisky-review-compass-box-this-is-not-a-luxury-whisky/


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