Swedish Whisky from Smögen – Sherry Project 1:2 55,7% ABV

Yesterday I was very happy to find a sample of Smögen Distillery s coming (fourth) release, the Sherry Project 1:2. As you can all understand from its name, this is the second release in a series that involves sherry finishing. 1:2 will be available at the swedish state-monopoly on the 26th of mars but for international buyers many of Smögens products are available here 1:1 has first spent almost three years in four new heavily-charred european quarter casks (no. 32-35), and was then given a finish consisting of four months in a sherry butt. If you have not, please check...

Läs mer http://samuelwhisky.blogspot.com/2015/03/swedish-whisky-from-smogen-sherry.html


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