Swedish whisky from Hven – Megrez 45% ABV

Friends and followers! Once again I've been sent a nice package from the nice people of the swedish Island distillery  Hven ! This time it contained their latest whisky "Megrez" (one of the stars in the constellation "The Big Dipper").  Megrez was released about a month ago and now I finally have time to review it! 
The info regarding maturation etcetera that I have received from the distillery is the following: 
"The Base in Megrez is 5% Chocolate malt, 40% Peated malt [26ppm] and 55% Pilsner malt. The distillate has matured on 8,4% French Petraea, 33,4% French Robur and 58,2%...

Läs mer http://samuelwhisky.blogspot.com/2016/04/swedish-whisky-from-hven-megrez-45-abv.html


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